Revised Translation of the Order of Reconciliation
by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B. | 04/23/2023 | A Message from Our PastorDear Parishioners, Pilgrims, Visitors, and Faith Seekers,
As many of you are aware, the English translation of the Order of Reconciliation, aka the Sacrament of Confession, has recently been revised by the Holy See. This revision came as a result of the Vatican’s desire to ensure that all liturgical translations are aligned, as closely as possible, with the official Latin text. This monumental effort to retranslate all our liturgical texts began with the Roman Missal in 2011 and has continued with all the other sacramental rites including Reconciliation.
ContinueChrist is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B. | 04/16/2023 | A Message from Our PastorDear Parishioners, Pilgrims, Visitors and Faith Seekers,
We have begun the Fifty Days of Eastertide, or what the Church Fathers referred to as “The Queen of Seasons.” It is so called because of his spiritually royal character that has, at its core, the belief that Jesus of Nazareth, once crucified, has been raised from the dead. No other religion (that I know of) has ever made such claim. If one has, I doubt that it has sustained it for 2000 years.
ContinueAlleluia! He is Risen!
by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B. | 04/09/2023 | A Message from Our PastorDear Parishioners, Pilgrims, Guests and all those whose curiosity has led them to check out our parish bulletin:
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!
For the 44 days of Lent, the church has been immersed in this penitential season with its traditional threefold disciplines of fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Besides fasting from food, drink, and other amenities or habits, the church’s liturgy has fasted from the use of the word “Alleluia.”
ContinueAn Introduction, a "Thank You" and an Invitation
by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B. | 04/02/2023 | A Message from Our PastorIntroduction
I am happy to introduce, to our parish, Mrs. Tricia DiChristofano who was recently as our Communication/Marketing Director. Tricia is a resident of Manhattan, IL where she lives with her husband and three grown children. She has worked in the Diocese of Joliet for seven years in a position similar to the one for which we have hired her. She has also served as a catechist for 10 years. Tricia’s most recent places of employment were at St. Mary Nativity and Holy Cross parishes in Joliet.