Bishop Hicks' December Column: Sacred Steps: Exploring Pilgrimages Near and Far
by Bishop Ronald A. Hicks | 12/29/2024 | A Message from Our PastorHave you ever made or wanted to make a pilgrimage to a holy site? Before answering that, let’s establish the difference between a vacation and a pilgrimage. A vacation is a leisure trip for a “getaway,” usually focused on relaxation, entertainment, and exploration. A Catholic pilgrimage, on the other hand, is a spiritual journey to a sacred site with the purpose of deepening one's faith, seeking divine grace, or fulfilling a religious vow. While vacations prioritize personal enjoyment, pilgrimages emphasize not only some personal enjoyment but also spiritual growth and devotion.
Stories of Christmas
by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B. | 12/22/2024 | A Message from Our PastorDear Parishioners,
As we fully immerse ourselves into the joyful exuberance of Christmas, we do well to recall that Christmas is a season and not a single day. Its meaning and power is so rich, that no one day can possibly exhaust all that this celebration offers us. We might think of Christmas as a multi-faceted jewel. As we rotate this Christmas jewel we discover a different dimension of it and come to realize that there are a variety of ways that it is celebrated. Some of these ways may overlap with each other or flow one from the other. Some may stand alone as a singular way that Christmas is observed.
100 Years of St. Joan of Arc Parish
12/10/2024 | A Message from Our PastorSt. Joan of Arc is proud of its 100 years of ministry and service to the Lisle community. Founded on December 14, 1924, the church held its first Mass above Albert Riedy's Hardware Store, with an altar borrowed from St. Procopius Abbey, drawing an attendance of 261 parishioners. Since then, the church has been a steadfast anchor, fostering spiritual growth and education while upholding the values of the Benedictine tradition.
First Sunday of Advent
by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B. | 12/01/2024 | A Message from Our PastorDear Parishioners,
On this First Sunday of Advent, the universal church begins its new liturgical year with the cycle of feasts and fasts that continue to shape us into God’s holy people. Here at St. Joan of Arc, it has been our tradition to offer a brief summary of the growth of our parish.