Upcoming Events

FORE the Kids

Please join us for a day of fun, friends, and golf! An opportunity for the St Joan of Arc community to come together and kick off the school year.

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OCIA Come and See Night

Are you or someone you know looking to deepen your faith and become fully initiated into the Catholic Church? Whether you're unbaptized, baptized in another Christian tradition, or a baptized Catholic who hasn't completed your sacraments, now is the perfect time to take the next step.

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Blessing of Animals

in the courtyard by the north doors of the church

Bonfire & Rosary Prayer Night

Prayer, hot dogs, S'mores, music, & fellowship.
Pray with & meet other young adult Catholics in their 20's and 30's.

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Eucharistic Encounter Evening

Join us for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Sunday Vespers (evening prayer), and silent Adoration, concluded by Benediction.

Pumpkin Daze - Abbey Farms

Christ Renews His Parish Retreat

All men, 18 years of age or older, are invited to experience an incredible weekend of fun, faith and fellowship.

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Closing Centennial Celebration Mass

Hospitality in the Link after Mass.