Upcoming Events

SJA Centennial

Throughout this anniversary year, we will have a variety of events to bring us together as a community of faith in order to thank Almighty God for our one hundred years of parochial service to the church.

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Ask Your Important Questions About Faith, Life & Living a Faithful Life In An Ever Changing World

Have a question about the Catholic faith or how it relates to modern life? This is the place for you! Submit your questions [anonymously if you like], and we’ll address them in homilies, videos, and parish events.

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Help Wanted: Catechists for Children's Liturgy of the Word

We are looking to bring back the Children's Liturgy of the Word program to SJA during 9:30am Sunday Mass. We hope to start in October on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month during the school year with some exceptions.

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Make a Joyful Noise

Rehearsals for the Parish Choir begin in September! If you enjoy singing and feel that you can make a regular commitment to rehearsals and liturgies, please consider joining our Parish Choir.

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Religious Education classes start soon

Classes begin on Sun, Sep 22.


Bucket Bonanza

Bags Distributed Aug 31/Sep 1 at all Masses
Drop off cleaning supplies Sep 7/8

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Impact Kick Off Event

8th - 12th graders, join us for pizza, drinks, games and more! Invite a friend.

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Blood Pressure Screening

in the Link

Downtown Naperville Scavenger Hunt