2023 Corpus Christi Eucharistic Procession

by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B.  |  06/18/2023  |  A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

On Sunday, June 11, the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (traditionally called Corpus Christi), St. Joan of Arc launched the second year of our Eucharistic Revival – a national initiative called for by our US Bishops. This second year will focus on parish communities and how they might deepen their knowledge and love of the Eucharistic mystery.

To inaugurate this year, we celebrated a festive liturgy at 9:30am on Sunday that was followed by a procession with the Blessed Sacrament around the entire parameters of our parish campus. Despite the cool temperature, challenging winds and annoying rainfall, approximately 200 hundred parishioners walked in this procession and gave public witness to their belief in Christ’s presence in the Eucharistic food.

Among these parishioners were, the elderly who have been sustained by the Eucharist all their lives, recently married and middle age people who continue to plumb the depths of this mystery, young adults and teens who are embarking on various and new phases in their lives and rely on the Eucharist as a source of strength for themselves, as well as children and infants whom, we pray, will always avail themselves of this great Sacrament of God’s love for us. Some of these walked with gusto and determination in defiance of the unfriendly weather, others were pushed in wheel chairs and/or strollers, and some walked a bit more consciously and carefully while others were carried in the arms of their parents. The personal presence that each person brought to this communal ritual events was an inspiration and joyful act of prayer. It seemed too many of us, that people wanted, perhaps even needed, to be a part of something that was larger than themselves that connected them with God who always accompanies us on our journeys through life. Being a part of this Corpus Christi procession, became a powerful reminder that as we travel throughout our individual histories, we are never alone. We always journey with one another in the Body of Christ and are nourished by that sacred food that bears the identical name, i.e., Body of Christ.

As we circumambulated our campus, we paused at 4 distinct stations where we listened to a reading, offered a prayer, sang a hymn and received a blessing. The 4 stations represented major aspects of our parish life, our school, our administration, our efforts for peace and justice and our worship life. The following prayers are those that were offered.

Station I – The School

Let us pray, Lord Jesus Christ, all creation sings your praise for your divine presence permeates all that is. You took bread and wine – gifts from the earth – and transformed them into your body and blood to satisfy the hungers of the human heart. Bless our efforts to deepen our knowledge of your sacred mysteries, and may all those who come to this place of learning deepen their love for you and one another. We pray in your name, now and forever. Amen.

Station II – Administration – The Parish Office

Let us pray. Lord Jesus Christ, Sacrament of the Father’s love, you reveal yourself to us in the Bread that has come down from heaven. May this Holy Food strengthen all who serve this faith community through ministry, administration, maintenance and labor. May everything we do advance the mission of your church and prepare the world for the coming of your Kingdom where you are exalted as Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Station III – Grassy area between the rectory and the church – Social Justice and Outreach

Let us pray. Lord Jesus Christ, present among us in the least of our brothers and sisters, you nourish us with gifts of finest wheat. May this holy food enliven us to bring your justice to the world……so that the rights and dignity of all men, women and children may be safeguarded …so that the earth and is resources may be shared among all people …so that violence and war may cease …and that peace may reign throughout your creation. We pray in your name, Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Station IV – North Entrance of the Church -- Worship

Let us pray. Lord Jesus Christ, You gave us the Eucharist as the memorial of your passion, death and resurrection. May our worship of this sacrament of your body and blood unite us with that great company of witnesses who stand before your throne and worship you day and night. Let your church be a herald of hope for those on earth who long to feast at the heavenly banquet where you are Lord forever and ever. Amen.

After the 4th and final station, we brought this act of processional devotion to solemn closure with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament followed by the recitation of the Divine Praises. This was followed by a simple but lively lunch in the school gym sponsored by the Knights of Columbus from our parish council. The religious energy from the procession flowed into the lunch where parishioners took time to socialize with one another, thereby strengthening the communal bonds that unite us all.

I want to thank all those, who in so many varied and creative ways, participated in this Corpus Christi event making it a most memorable moment in the life of our parish.