Welcome to
St. Joan of Arc Parish

Tradition with Vision

Liturgical Celebrations

Monday – Saturday8:15am
Sunday7:30am, 9:30am (choir with incense) & 11:30am

More Details & Week at a Glance


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)

Saturday9:00 - 10:00am
Other times by appointment

How to go to ConfessionExamination of Conscience

Upcoming Events


Tradition with Vision

Our work is to share in the mission of Jesus continued through the Church. The goal is to make the Kingdom of God visible in our community by seeking human wholeness, peace, and a bond of charity in our relationships with one another.

As members of Christ’s Church, we seek to affirm, celebrate and share the liturgy for the glory of God and the good of the Church, the family and the individual with our liturgical worship as the center of all parish life. We are a community to proclaim the good news and to serve. We build community and foster Christian personhood in order that we might serve and celebrate Christ’s presence in our Catholic Doctrine by providing formation in understanding and traditions.

A Message from Our Pastor

Catholic Church interiors: The Baptismal Font

07-21-2024  |  Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B.

Dear Parishioners,

As the enhancement of our church interior progresses in a most timely manner, I hope to offer periodic catechetical reflections that focus on various features that are integral, not only to our project here at St. Joan of Arc Parish, but to the general understanding of Roman Catholic liturgical environments. The first focus is on the baptismal font, rightfully called “the womb of the church.” It is from the action at this ritual vessel that people are reborn as Christians. It is important to remember that no one is ever a Christian. Christians are made – they must be reborn into the life of grace. Hence the need for a place where this re-birth may be celebrated in such a manner that recognizes its immense value.

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