Liturgical Celebrations
Monday – Saturday | 8:15am |
Saturday | 4:00pm |
Sunday | 7:30am, 9:30am (choir with incense) & 11:30am |
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)
Saturday | 9:00 - 10:00am |
Other times by appointment |
Tradition with Vision
Our work is to share in the mission of Jesus continued through the Church. The goal is to make the Kingdom of God visible in our community by seeking human wholeness, peace, and a bond of charity in our relationships with one another.
As members of Christ’s Church, we seek to affirm, celebrate and share the liturgy for the glory of God and the good of the Church, the family and the individual with our liturgical worship as the center of all parish life. We are a community to proclaim the good news and to serve. We build community and foster Christian personhood in order that we might serve and celebrate Christ’s presence in our Catholic Doctrine by providing formation in understanding and traditions.
A Message from Our Pastor
Bishop Hicks' September Column: God Blessed the Seventh Day and Made it Holy
09-08-2024 | Bishop Ronald A. Hicks"I don’t have time for this!” These were the words that were on replay in my head as I drove from Joliet to Mundelein Seminary a few weeks ago. I was headed to a 3-1/2 day regional retreat for all the bishops from Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. In my justified view, my saturated work schedule simply did not leave any room for this spiritual “indulgence.” Yet, motivated mostly by duty, I checked into my room and asked the Lord to help me check my bad attitude at the door.
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