Ask Your Important Questions About Faith, Life & Living a Faithful Life In An Ever Changing World

Have a question about the Catholic faith or how it relates to modern life? This is the place for you! Submit your questions [anonymously if you like], and we’ll address them in homilies, videos, and parish events. No question is too difficult or too simple — we want to walk with you in faith.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my question anonymous? Yes, your questions will be completely anonymous unless you choose to leave contact information for follow-up.

What types of questions can I ask? You can ask anything related to faith, morality, Church teachings, or contemporary issues. No question is too simple or too complex.

How will my question be answered? Your questions may inspire homilies, videos, or special adult faith formation nights. We will also address common themes in parish communications like newsletters or during Mass.

Will I receive a personal response to my question? If you leave contact information and request a personal response, we will do our best to follow up with you directly.

Can I submit more than one question? Absolutely! You can submit as many questions as you’d like, either all at once or over time.

How will I know if my question was addressed? We will provide updates through the parish bulletin, website, and announcements during Mass. Keep an eye on these channels to see how we are responding to the questions.

Sample Questions

Theology and Beliefs:

  • What is the Church’s stance on the existence of evil, and why does God allow suffering?
  • How does the Catholic Church view other religions, and can non-Catholics go to Heaven?
  • What does it mean to have a personal relationship with Jesus in the context of Catholicism?

Moral and Ethical Issues:

  • How does the Church approach issues like abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment in today’s society?
  • What guidance does the Church offer on navigating complex family dynamics, like divorce or estrangement?
  • What is the Catholic teaching on environmental stewardship, and how should Catholics respond to climate change?

Contemporary Issues:

  • How does the Church view artificial intelligence and its role in society?
  • What is the Church’s response to the modern LGBTQ+ movement, and how do Catholics engage in these conversations compassionately?
  • What advice does the Church offer on navigating social media and maintaining faith in a digital age?

Church Teachings and Practices:

  • Why do Catholics pray to saints, and how does that fit with the belief in one God?
  • What’s the significance of the different parts of the Mass, and why are certain rituals performed?
  • How can I participate more fully in the sacraments if I’ve been away from the Church?

Spirituality and Personal Faith:

  • How can I develop a deeper prayer life when I’m struggling with doubt or distractions?
  • What is the Church’s teaching on discerning God’s will for my life, especially in making major decisions?
  • How does one maintain faith and hope in difficult times, such as illness or the loss of a loved one?

Ask your question!