Ministry Schedules
For assistance, please contact Jim Susic at 630-353-4529 or jsusic@sjalisle.org.

Media Ministry
Media Ministry volunteers help with the use of technology (primarily the laptop and screen) during our liturgical celebrations. We use a laptop to display sacred images and song lyrics. Volunteers assist with running the PowerPoint Slide Show which displays these images and lyrics. Volunteers need to arrive 15 minutes before the liturgy. The instructions are scripted, making it a matter of following the script to display the appropriate images/lyrics.
For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Jim Susic at 630-353-4529 or jsusic@sjalisle.org.

Altar Servers
Altar Servers minister at Sunday and weekday liturgies, funerals, weddings and various other liturgical rites. They serve the assembly by carrying the cross, candles, and incense, presenting the Roman Missal to the priests, preparing the altar, and undertaking other tasks that serve the liturgy. Initial and ongoing formation is provided. To function in this ministry, one must be a baptized member of the Catholic Church, be a weekly participant in the Sunday Eucharist, and live in harmony with the teachings of the Church. Typically, this ministry is undertaken by elementary and junior high students, but it is also open to high school and college age students, as well as adults. Altar servers must be able to meet the physical demands required of this ministry and must cultivate a sense of reverence and detail for ritual action.
For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Matt Zurek at 630-353-4533 or mzurek@sjalisle.org.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priests and deacons (who are the ordinary Ministers of Communion) with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. Initial and ongoing formation is provided. To serve in this ministry, one must be a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church, a registered parishioner of St. Joan of Arc Parish, a weekly participant in the Sunday Eucharist, and living in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church (e.g., if a person is married, he/she must be married within the Catholic Church).
For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Matthew Krumdrick at 630-353-4531 or mkrumdrick@sjalisle.org.

Greeters minister in the narthex of the church by joyfully welcoming those who gather for Sunday worship. All registered individuals and families are welcome to serve in this ministry of hospitality.
For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Matthew Krumdrick at 630-353-4531 or mkrumdrick@sjalisle.org.

Lectors proclaim the Scriptures at the Sunday Eucharist and other liturgical rites. Initial and ongoing formation is provided, as well as resources to assist in the preparation of this ministry. To serve as a lector, one must be a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church, a registered parishioner of St. Joan of Arc Parish, a weekly participant in the Sunday Eucharist, and living in harmony with the teachings of the Catholic Church (e.g., if a person is married, he/she must be married within the Catholic Church). Individuals who volunteer for this ministry are expected to have a facility for public reading and must be willing to spend time in private prayer and reflection on the biblical passage that they will proclaim.
For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Matthew Krumdrick at 630-353-4531 or mkrumdrick@sjalisle.org.

Ushers provide hospitable service at the liturgy by helping to keep order and a sense of safety within the worshiping assembly. Their tasks include assisting parishioners with seating, procuring the gift bearers for the Offertory Procession, taking up the collection, directing the Communion Procession, distributing the bulletins after the liturgy, and providing assistance in the event of emergencies. This ministry is open to all registered men and women of the parish. (Typically, ushers are sixteen years of age or older.) They minister at all liturgies on weekends, Holy Days of Obligation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and the liturgies of Holy Week.
For additional information or to volunteer, please contact Matthew Krumdrick at 630-353-4531 or mkrumdrick@sjalisle.org.