National Eucharistic Revival
by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B. | 09/03/2023 | A Message from Our PastorYou are all aware that the Catholic Church in this country has been engaged in, what it is calling, a “Eucharistic Revival” designed to deepen peoples knowledge and love of the great mystery of the Holy Eucharist. Last year this revival was conducted on the diocesan level. As of this past June 11, the Feast of Corpus Christi, this revival has been transferred to the parish level. The following are some of the efforts we are doing toward this revival at St. Joan of Arc.
- We have had a committee of parishioners in place for over one year that has been engaged in study on the meaning and significance of the Eucharist. This same group is designing creative ways to engage our parishioners in this year- long parish project.
- One way of these creative ways we have designed is to highlight a different saint each month who had a particularly deep devotion to the Holy Eucharist. These saints provide examples and inspiration for us all.
- We also organized a solemn procession with the Blessed Sacrament on the feast of Corpus Christi last June that was followed by a light luncheon. This liturgical and social event was well attended by parishioners despite the somewhat challenging weather we experienced that day. This coming June 2, again on the feast of Corpus Christi, (which by the way is a movable feast, hence the different date each year), we will hold another solemn procession, similar in style to this past year.
- Each month, beginning in October, we will host a “Eucharistic Encounter Evening” open to all parishioners and guests as well. These evenings will be held on the following Sundays from 4:00-5:00pm in the church: Oct 8, Nov 12, Dec 10, Jan 7, Feb 4, Mar 3, Apr 4, May 5. The format of these evenings will consistently entail: exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Sunday Vespers (Evening Prayer), a period of silent adoration concluded by Benediction. Prior to each of these Sundays a member of our Revival Committee will send out a video reminder inviting all to attend these evenings.
- Sometime in the near future, we will be reinstating the option of receiving Communion from the Cup. In order to distribute the Precious Blood we will need of more Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Anyone interested in sharing in this ministry should contact Deacon Jack Hayes to learn about the necessary qualifications and training.
- The Mass; Then, Now and Why It Matters is a 5 week class I will be teaching from 7:00-9:00pm on the following consecutive Wednesdays: Sep 13, 20, 27; Oct 4, 11. These will be held in the Parish Center, RM 22 and are open to all adults of the parish. While a significant portion of these classes will be devoted to studying the historical development of the Mass, I will be incorporating insights from contemporary theologians as to what we do at the liturgy and why this should matter to Catholics today. There will always be time for questions and discussion at the end of each session.
- After the first of the year, our new Adult Faith Formation Director, Konnor Damery, will be offering a catechetical and faith formational program. The precise nature of this effort is still in the making, so please keep your curiosity peaked.
- In the actual liturgy itself, our music director, Jim Susic, will be teaching us two new Eucharistic hymns:
- The first of these is the traditional “Humbly We Adore Thee” (Adoro Te Devote), the text of which was composed St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century and representing one of the richest, most comprehensive Eucharistic texts in the Western Church. Its’ simple yet exquisite melody is based on Gregorian Plainchant giving it a timeless quality.
- The second hymn is “Remembrance” by Matt Maher, a highly regarded Catholic composer of contemporary worship music. Both textually and musically, this hymn shows the church’s willingness to embrace new artistic styles in order to celebrate and deepen our Christian.
- In addition to what we as a committee and staff are doing to enhance this Revival, I invite all our parishioners to reach out to those who no longer worship with us and/or invite others who may be searching for a place to participate in Sunday Mass.
I’m sure other opportunities for faith formation will avail themselves in the weeks and months ahead. I will bring these to everyone’s attention as they do so.