First Sunday of Advent

by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B.  |  12/03/2023  |  A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

On this First Sunday of Advent, as the Church begins a new liturgical year, it is especially fitting that we recognize the tremendous success of the Capital Campaign in which we were engaged this past year. You will recall that this campaign was designed to raise the necessary funds that would allow us to repair and enhance the interior of our parish church for our Centennial Celebration that will begin on December 16, 2023 and conclude in December of 2024.

I am overjoyed to announce that at present we have raised $1,277,298. in pledges. This is slightly more than $200,000. over our original goal of $1,057,500. We still need everyone to fulfill their pledges, however, if we are to truly reach this goal. The extra money we raise will be helpful in covering the cost of those unexpected items that are inherent in any project of this size and nature.

So far, everything is on schedule with the plans for the actual construction that we hope can begin early this summer. We have submitted our plans and designs to the Diocesan Building and Worship Committees. They have made various “recommendations,” some of which we will be able to meet. We are also working to secure contractors for the 3 major facets of our project, namely, painting the walls, repairing and refinishing the pews, and installing terrazzo flooring. All is unfolding in an orderly and fiscally sound manner thanks to those who are overseeing the entire project. I am hopeful that by fall of 2024 we will be able to have our church re-blessed and ready to be used for worship once again.

I am profoundly grateful to all the donors who have brought us thus far in this Centennial Project. An alphabetical listing of their names is included in this week’s bulletin. I am equally as grateful to those who,
although unable to make monetary donations at this time, were fervent in their prayers for the success of our efforts. A project like this would not be possible without both.

Although we have exceeded our goal in pledges, our campaign is by no means ended. Rather it will be an ongoing labor of love which means, we are happy to accept contributions at any time and of any amount.

While as your pastor I wish to thank all those who have been a part of this Centennial Project, I hope you will also thank yourselves. We know that a parish church is built of much more than concrete, wood and tile. It is ultimately built of “living Stones” who are the people that gather there to worship with gratitude and praise for all God has done in their lives. And so, our final act of thanks is given to Almighty God who allowed us to begin this good and noble work and who, in his great mercy, will allow us to bring it to completion.