We’ve begun!

by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B.  |  06/16/2024  |  A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

After nearly two years of catechetical preparation, spiritual formation and generous financial contributions, we have begun what I am calling “The Enhancement” of our place of worship. I prefer the term “enhancement” because, hopefully, when this project is completed, our parishioners will agree that we enhanced what was already a noble space. The term “renovation” which is frequently used for projects of this nature, typically implies a reconfiguration of spaces or other more radical efforts.

Our project here at St. Joan of Arc is mainly focused on the beautification and repair of the space we already have. Both, the beautification and repair of this space are essential if we wish to be good Catholic stewards of parish temporalities. I highlight the word Catholic as the adjective for our stewardship because Catholicism has always understood beauty as an attribute of God. As such, beauty should permeate all our ecclesiastical activities but especially worship, for in these public acts of prayer (worship) we encounter God in tangible ways through realities that our senses perceive. This is why the Catholic Church has long been regarded as “Mother of the Arts.”

The Spanish artist Pablo Picasso claimed that every act of creation begins with an act of destruction. I would assert that this notion applies to all acts of creation whether they are interior, pertaining to the heart and mind, or exterior in such visible expressions as paintings, sculpture or architecture. Currently at our parish we are in the destruction phase as evidenced in the photographs below.

In his Rule for monks, St. Benedict insisted, every time you begin a good work, you must pray to God most earnestly to bring it to perfection. (Prologue: 4) There is great wisdom in Benedict’s words because he understands “good works” as joint efforts between human beings and God. Both must do their parts if a project is to be successful. Surely we have begun a good work at our parish. We have done our part, not completely, but initially, in our enhancements plans and efforts. God must do his part as well, and in our daily prayer, let us remind God as such. By working together with God, I am certain that the final product will be a lovely place of worship that fosters our ongoing formation in the Christian life which, at the same time, gives God the glory that God rightfully deserves. Everyone wins!