Thank you Ms. Mary Beth Kerner

by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B.  |  09/18/2022  |  A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

On Monday, September 12, 2022, Ms. Mary Beth Kerner, our Parish Secretary, tendered her resignation effective September 23, 2022. She will be assuming a new position as Administrative Assistant to the Directors (one of whom is our former Pastoral Associate, Michael Lewandowski) of Evangelization and Christian Service at Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Naperville. I know we all join in wishing Mary Beth the very best in her new position as we thank her for the excellent and creative work that she gave this parish for the past seven years.

With less than two weeks notice however, it may not be possible to fill her position by the date of her departure. Aware that the members of our staff are already working at full capacity, I cannot in good conscience ask them to assume any more responsibilities. I share this with you because there may be certain pastoral services, previously provided by Ms. Kerner, which could become unavailable for an undetermined period of time. Such services may include: the weekly bulletin, the scheduling of funerals, baptisms and weddings, the recording of sacramental events, as well as notifications of the sick and dying. As far as possible, I hope to re-arrange staff responsibilities without causing any undue hardship to them, while at the same time continuing the quality of pastoral care that our parishioners rightly deserve.

Anyone interested in applying for the position of Parish Secretary and Bulletin Editor for our parish may contact me or Ms. Leanne Van Gronigen, Director of Finance and Administration.

Thank you for your patience during this challenging time of transition.