New Director of Faith Formation

by Rev. Gabriel Baltes, O.S.B.  |  07/30/2023  |  A Message from Our Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

I am delighted to welcome to our parish staff Konnor Damery as our new Director of Adult Faith Formation. I am also happy to welcome his family as parishioners -- Ayla, his wife, and his two children Eden Marie (1 yr.) and Augustine Rex (2 mo). Konnor grew up on a small farm outside of Decatur, IL while his wife was originally from Naperville. Konnor was raised Catholic. During his first year in college, while at the Newman Center of Illinois State University, his faith in Jesus Christ deepened especially as he experienced Christ in the Eucharist.

Up to this point in his life, Konnor was studying for a medical career. It was then that he dared to ask God what he wanted for his life. He quickly learned that God had another plan for him which included marrying his wife Ayla in 2020. He then began to work in the campus ministry at ISU and, along with his wife, embarked upon mission trips, pilgrimages and numerous retreats.

After two years, Konnor and his wife moved to the Rocky Mountains where he worked at a parish in Littleton, CO. During this time he began studying for his M.A. degree in Pastoral Theology at the Augustine Institute in Denver. His studies involved various areas of Family Ministry ranging from sacramental preparation of 2nd graders to leading retreats for young adults and families. Konnor is convinced that the two greatest purposes in his life are building up his own family, which he sees as a domestic Church, and helping others to do the same. This is why he and his family recently moved to Naperville where they could be near his extended family, and where he could serve the local Church. Over the past 5 years, Konnor has become especially convinced that the Lord Jesus is very much alive and is igniting fires in the youth of the Joliet Diocese. He is excited to be both an employee and a parishioner of St. Joan of Arc and is eager to personally get to know the members of our faith community.

Konnor’s ministry here at St. Joan of Arc will involve coordinating our parish OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) formation process, and all the various aspects that are part of adult faith formation. He hopes to be creative in his new role among us trusting that the Holy Spirit will inspire and direct him to the needs of our parishioners.

In his free time, Konnor enjoys hiking, hunting, camping and baseball. Most of all, he cherishes his vocation as a Christian husband and a father. I know you will all join me in welcoming the Damery family to our parish, and that you will keep them all in your thoughts and prayers. Great things are in store for us!