Upcoming Events

SJA Centennial

Throughout this anniversary year, we will have a variety of events to bring us together as a community of faith in order to thank Almighty God for our one hundred years of parochial service to the church.

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Ask Your Important Questions About Faith, Life & Living a Faithful Life In An Ever Changing World

Have a question about the Catholic faith or how it relates to modern life? This is the place for you! Submit your questions [anonymously if you like], and we’ll address them in homilies, videos, and parish events.

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Get your Centennial Merch today

Shirts, sweatshirts, hats and more.


Make a Joyful Noise

Rehearsals for the Parish Choir begin in September! If you enjoy singing and feel that you can make a regular commitment to rehearsals and liturgies, please consider joining our Parish Choir.

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Pro-Life Ministry Baby Items Collection

We are collecting needed items to distribute to Caring Network, Mary's Closet, and Sharing Connections on the weekend of Oct 5/6.

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Religious Education classes start soon

Classes begin on Sun, Sep 22.


Downtown Naperville Scavenger Hunt

Marriage Preparation Day for Engaged Couples

Marriage Preparation Day is required because the importance of this sacrament deserves the time that will be spent throughout the day in prayer, reflection, sharing, and drawing from the wisdom of the presenters.

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Grief Support Group

Thursdays, 5:30-7:00pm in person or via Zoom beginning Thu, Sep 26

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FORE the Kids

Please join us for a day of fun, friends, and golf! An opportunity for the St Joan of Arc community to come together and kick off the school year.

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